About CosmeFITS

CosmeFITS, acronym for "Cosmetics From Idea To Shelf"

CosmeFITS is a French consulting agency dedicated to cosmetics development, covering all aspects from product conception to commercialisation. With an extensive network of seasoned experts and trusted industrial partners, CosmeFITS offers you a complete range of services to accompany you at every stage of your cosmetics journey and overcome all challenges by your side.

Your Success is Our Priority.

At CosmeFITS, our aim is to bring your boldest ideas to life and transform them into finished products that not only meet the strictest standards but also leave a lasting mark in the beauty industry.

Whether you are an well-established company or an ambitious brand creator, we are here to provide you the expertise and support needed to achieve your goals.

Founder's words

Welcome to the exciting world of cosmetics, a dynamic sector where innovation, product efficiency, and eco-responsibility are at the heart of our concerns.

Because every brand has its identity, every product its individuality, and every project its uniqueness.

Our principles

In addition to helping you achieve your immediate goals, we also aim to establish a long-term partnership based on trust, collaboration, and mutual growth.

Customised Services

Because every project is unique, we offer tailor-made services to meet your specific needs, whether they are on-demand services or full-service solutions.

Guaranteed Confidentiality

Long-Term Partnership

For total transparency, we will keep you informed of progress at every stage of your project. Moreover, the confidentiality of your information is our priority. Your trust is invaluable, and we treat it with the utmost respect.

Integrity and Ethics

Our commitment to integrity and professional ethics is unwavering. We always act in accordance with the strictest ethical standards. Quality and compliance are at the core of our approach.

Uncompromising Excellence

Every detail matters, every project is handled with precision, and every outcome reflects our commitment to excellence. Your success is our success, and we strive to deliver services of impeccable quality.

Innovation and Creativity

At CosmeFITS, we believe that innovation is the key to staying competitive in an ever-evolving market. We consistently push boundaries, seeking new ideas and creative solutions to address your most complex challenges.

Why Collaborate with Us ?

A 360° vision of your project without the need to switch service providers

A single point of contact to coordinate all stages, ensuring seamless continuity and consistency

Extensive experience from both the manufacturing and distribution perspectives

A keen understanding of the dynamics in both small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and multinational corporations

In-depth knowledge of the cosmetic industry ecosystem and its challenges

A wealth of experience in international markets (Europe, Asia-Pacific, Africa, Middle East)

A well-established network of trusted partners

A passion for the intricate world of cosmetics

Being a partner with CosmeFITS ensures that you get :

Entrust Your Project to CosmeFITS

It all begins here