Our Services

At CosmeFITS, we are driven by the desire to provide solutions perfectly tailored to your needs, regardless of the challenges your project may present. Our comprehensive range of services covers every aspect from conception to the marketing of finished products in the demanding ecosystem of the cosmetic industry. Our broad knowledge of this dynamic market and our understanding of the challenges in this highly competitive environment equip us to offer robust assistance, guiding you through every stage of your project. In addition to our expertise, you will benefit from an extensive network of experienced professional partners in the sector.

Together, we overcome barriers to achieve your goals.

Our clients are diverse: innovative cosmetic brand creators seeking expert partners, companies looking for specific skills to strengthen their team, established brands facing overactivity, or foreign brands eager to conquer the French market. With our personalized on-demand or full-service approach, we are ready to meet your challenges and accompany you towards success.

Your success is our pride.

Welcome to CosmeFITS, your ally in the exciting world of cosmetics.

If you have a brand creation project and you're not quite sure how to proceed or if you need assistance with certain crucial steps, we are here to help.

We will advise you on your brand strategy and guide you at every stage of the product development process, until your idea comes to life.

CosmeFITS offers you a 360° spectrum of turnkey or customised services according to your specific needs.

With CosmeFITS by your side for all operational aspects, you will be able to focus serenely on your creativity and aspirations.

Dare to launch so that your ideas today become the products of tomorrow.

If you represent a foreign brand and aspire to expand your presence in the French market, CosmeFITS can assist you in this endeavor.

Every step is crucial to ensuring the success of the implantation of a foreign brand in the highly saturated French cosmetics product market.

We offer a complete range of services designed to simplify the implantation process and maximise success. Our team of experts is here to guide you from the initial market study to distribution, including regulatory compliance.

We understand the unique challenges you face, and we are ready to help you overcome them to thrive in the French market.

Depending on whether you are...

Regardless of the size of your company, whether you have a specific skills requirement or are looking to alleviate a temporary workload, CosmeFITS is your solution.

We are here to help you maintain competitiveness in the cosmetics market with the advantage of great flexibility in managing your cash flow and activity curve.

Our range of services covering the entire process, from initial conceptualisation to launch, allows us to meet your specific needs.

Whatever the missions, we always work with a focus on innovation, sustainability, and consideration of environmental issues.

Additional Services

Assistance with Production Relocation

Relocating production is a crucial strategic step for many cosmetic companies. Whether you want to bring your current production to a new region or country or you are considering reorganising your operations, our team supports you in this complex process.

Logistics is a crucial element in the development and, especially, the distribution of cosmetic products. CosmeFITS can assist you with these aspects for effective and smooth management of the supply chain, from production to delivery.

Expanding into new markets or promoting cosmetic products often requires in-depth expertise and local presence. CosmeFITS helps you efficiently achieve these goals. We can act as technical and commercial representatives for your product lines in the French or international market.

Logistics Support
Technical and Commercial Representation of Your Products

CosmeFITS is committed to supporting you

Tell us about your needs